Disney Announces When Disneyland Tickets will go on sale and more!
Credit to Disney for the image
Today Disney announced more information on Disneyland’s reopening! Just for some quick information, people that already have Disneyland tickets back from before COVID (of course that are valid) can make reservations for Disneyland (and of corse California Adventure) on April 12th! It will start some time after 8am (Pacific Daylight Time). If you don’t have park tickets, you can get your tickets and reservations on April 15th! Unfortunately, this is still just for California residents, but that is still good news! For more information, check out our friend David on the YouTube channel FreshBaked! Here: youtube.com/watch?v=mtB8GHiPh8k
He amazing! Make sure you subscribe to him, he is one of the best Disney Youtubers! (if not the best)
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